Kuhli Loach advice please

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 10, 2017
I've got 3 kuhli's in my 15 gallon. I've had them over a year and half and they have been doing wonderful. They've always been very active and never seemed to have any problems. Well the last two days has been very odd. All three have been nonstop swimming all around the tank. Hardly stopping to rest at all and not going in the rock cave at all. Is this a common behavior? Does indicate a problem? All my water tests have been perfect. In fact the water parameters have hardly ever fluctuated since I set the tank up. An someone tell me what might be happening right now. Thanks
If they are eating, probably nothing to worry about. If not, conduct a 50% WC. Look for external parasites and the accompanying flashing behavior. Erratic swimming is often associated with elevated ammonia levels; probably not the case. Maybe it's a restlessness related to a mating behavior. Just an educated guess.
I have 4 Botia Modesta loaches & 1 Tiger Loach. All are supposed to be nocturnal. Mine are active all day long. The Modestas are "Hyper-active".
They are eating plenty. I stock my tank regularly with live blackworms. Which I see then dig out constantly. I hope it is nothing because they are My favorite tank inhabitants
I've become a big fan of Loaches too. Since they are eating well, probably nothing to worry about. Maybe your Loaches have become somewhat domesticated over time and more activity is the new normal.
I have a decent amount of kuhli loaches and have had them since the beginning of December. It's called the loachie dance and it's totally normal (provided water parameters are in check). Sometimes barometric pressure changes can signal it but most times it's just cause they're crazy little loaches. Although mine tend to do this in the nights and early mornings, hardly when the lights are on.
My loaches did this when I started having issues with my city water. Water tests didn’t show anything specific but the tds was really high. I started doing a mix with RO water and they stopped acting weird.

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