Kuhli Loach problems

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 17, 2008
Annapolis, MD
I seem to be having a problem with these guys. As some of you know, I had some significant newbie cycling issues, but I am thrilled to say that overall my tank is doing well and I think the numbers are fine. Numbers are as follows:
Ammonia 0
NO3: 5ppm
NO2: 0
GH: 100
Chlorine: 0
KH: 80
PH: 7

Tank has been operating for 3+ months and I havent had a fish die since my cylce issues over a month ago. (I went through a bad spot because I started the tank with like 9 fish - bad advice from LFS and not enough reading up front).

I recently added 2 kulhi loaches to my tank and something is seriously wrong. They are curling up in a ball, head is cocked slightly on one and bent on the other, and they writhe around the tank. Honestly, they look like they are dying, which bums me out. I think I should remove them.

Any thoughts? I read on loaches online that they are sensitive to new tanks.

Does this mean they are dying? If so, any ideas on more hardy replacements?
Pangio kuhlii like well established tanks and do a lot better in planted tanks.
Here's some info:
Kuhli Loach (Pangio kuhlii) — Loaches Online

Your waters soft so that's good for them.

I've had a kuhli get a head cock before and it didn't make it. I wasn't sure that mine didn't have an injury, he'd slowed down a bit for the 48 hours prior. I find they're a little delicate sometimes, especially for the first few months in the tank.
I found one belly up this morning and the other fish had eaten part of him. The other guy seems to be gone - must be in the substrate somewhere. Not a pretty site.
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