Kuhli loach tank mates

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Bichir Bro

Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 7, 2013
Hello everyone!
I am setting up a 60 gallon in a few months an I want some kuhli loaches for it. Now my problem is I have an electric blue crawfish and a rainbow shark,
Would they be ok with these guys? The tank will have tons of caves, rock work, plants, leaf litter and sand. One side of the tank will be very densely planted with fake plants and then for the other sides a few here and there. Now there will be tons of caves and territories for my shark and crawfish, lots of leaf litter and general rock work. The tank is also going to have sand substrate. So can this be done? If I can do it they will be in a school of 15 too. The crawfish is peaceful but still never know when something might click in her brain. The rainbows a juvenile right now but if he read the book on how to be a rainbow shark he should turn into a grumpy old man who doesn't like other fish. Thanks!
No. The kuhlis will slowly disappear. Crays are opportunistic even if they aren't hungry.
The rainbow shark will be fine, but I don't think so much about the crayfish.
The rainbow shark will be fine, but I don't think so much about the crayfish.

Yeah with enough territories to choose from and plants to break their sight they're fairly peaceful but again my main concern was the crawfish. Thanks!
Crayfish are highly predatory and will try to catch the loaches despite the sharp spines near their eye
Crayfish are highly predatory and will try to catch the loaches despite the sharp spines near their eye

Heheh guess I'm the only southerner here! Crawfish not crayfish lol
Thanks bettaowner!
Here in Hawaii every stream has crayfish. I've seen some big ones that could possibly attack and kill a small mbuna
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