Laetacara Dorsigera Knowledge and Input?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 23, 2009
Hello, so I have recently purchased 2 Laetacara Dorsigera 2 days ago, it was listed as L. Curviceps though but after doing some research they were L. Dorsigera. Anyhow, these are straight from the wild from Brazil as the fish owner said so I let him picked a pair for me to take home. They were $8 each at the store "Ocean Aquarium" is the name of the fish store. I have a 16g tank with 4 glowlight tetras, 2 flying foxes, and 2 bolivian rams already. The water is soft, ph around 6.8 and temp is 80-82 degrees F.

My main concern is that the store owner had selected 2 females for me instead of a pair. I know that male Dors. normally are bigger and has longer dorsal and anal fin extensions and female Dors. normally has two dark spots on the dorsal fin. But last night at around 2am, I saw both of them dancing with one another, both were going around in circles and the bigger one seemed to be displaying. I don't know what to think because I'm pretty sure the big dors. that I have right now is a female since I think I saw the egg tube.

Here are the pictures:

The "bigger" Dors.

The "smaller" Dors.

Here is another pic of the big dors. Notice maybe the egg tube?

here is another pic of both of them together.
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