Large Tank Cost?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 19, 2006
HI...i'm new to this site. This is my first post. I have freshwater tanks now. Am building a new home and want to add a saltwater tank. I want a larger tank so that I won't have to upgrade later down the road. I would like something around 200 gal. I'm prepared to spend a few thousand on tank and the initial setup. I don't know if the amount that I can spend is realistic to what I want. Also, I'm concerned about the cost per month to run a tank this size. I've read that the electric bills can be quite high. Any information an the actually costs of buying and running a large tank would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Sorry, I don't have a tank that large, I would think, the lighting would be one of the biggest factors in electric. Maybe some one with a simillar set up might be able to give a better estimate.
Please do a fishless cycle.

I just wanted to say welcome!
Thanks for responding. This site is very informative. I'm learing alot just reading. Wow, there's so much to learn.
Welcome to!!! :smilecolros: :smilecolros: :smilecolros:
Startup is always the biggest cost and can cause sticker shock. The price will largely depend on what type of tank you want...FO, FOWLR or reef (reef being the most expensive. You can expect to spend the most on LR and good lighting if you decide you want a FOWLR or a reef. Do not forget the monthly water changes with RO/DI water, buying salt and test kits. Depending on the lighting you go with, you can expect to see a noticable difference in your electric bill.
Welcome to AA :flasingsmile: :flasingsmile: :flasingsmile: As Lando said you have to figure out what type of tank you want. Then we can figure out cost. Good Luck.
I have just gone to SW myself and starting small with a 50gal.

Just my 2 cents it cost me about $2200 for a 8ftx2ftx2ft approx 210gal and that was for FW.
that was stained wooden stand and hood,filters, fluro lights and heaters. No fish.

Factor in a sump, ro/di unit, skimmer, salt, LR and the extra expense in the lighting and i think you easily hit the $4500 mark before fish. And Chemi's

Anybody correct me if i'm wrong.........

PS i have thought about converting the 210 to SW, I think i'm just dreaming.
granted that i'm here in Japan where everything costs more, but i only have a 40 gallon that i spent about $700 for the initial set up.
that was

hood (all glass tops)
lights (only a two light system-each light only 37w)
crushed coral (sand is usually preferred)
heater (300w)
one thermometer (i now have 3)
stand (plain black iron stand)
canister filter (japanese brand)

since then, i have had to purchase

2 powerheads (approx $50)
2 more thermometers (approx $3)
salt (two bags already each bag approx $30)
test kit (approx $10)
live rock (approx $100-not even half of what is recommended)

all this is just equipment, you really have to keep in mind that there is more equipment recommended. you will need a skimmer which could easily cost a couple hundred dollars for a tank that size, and you will also need a much better light source than what i have. i agree with trotty, easily over $4,000. good luck though and don't forget us when you do finally set it up.

a 100gal reef will run about $2000-2500 from stand to clean up crew.
i would expect a 200 gal to run about 3000-3500.

depends on amount of LR, quality of equipment, shipping costs/tax,
you can find some online or used deals you can prob save some.

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