Lawnmower Blenny

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 21, 2003
Vancouver BC Canada
I just got a Lawnmower Blenny and firstly, if you don't have one of these guys I recommend getting one. They're very interesting. I have heard that they don't need to be fed. Does anyone know if this is true? I have seen it picking greens (algaes) off the rocks but don't know if this is the only thing it eats. It has not taken brine shrimp or pellets and I haven't tried the seaweed clip as I don't have any tangs (yet). Any advice would be appreciated!

The setup is about a 6 month old, 130g reef with LR, corals (7 or 8), 2 cardinals, a goby, 2 clowns, cleaner shrimps, hermits and a sand star.

TIA :)
No it isnt true that you dont have to fed them in fact many blennies die because of starvation.They are very effeciant at cleaning algea and even in a system your size they may not get enough to eat. I had one in my tank and he ate lots of things but it took a long while before I was able to get him adjusted to eating other things. Mine particularly liked Sera Premium Spirnicula(sp?) Tabs they stick to the glass and disolve slowly good food for Tangs as well!! nori and algea sheets are also a good option. Eventually my blennie ate everything I put in there even blender mush but you will have to watch them carefully and see what works for yours. HTH and good luck they are very personable creatures.
Each persons experience will differ even with the same species of fish. I have had my lawnmower blenny for several years and have yet to see him eat a single prepared food that the tank has been fed. The bi-color on the otherhand, eats everything like a pig. I do agree that you should try to get the blenny to eat prepared foods as it will help improve it's health and longevity but do not be suprised if it takes some time or never happens....

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