LED Lights

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 5, 2013
Hey guys im getting ready to purchase a light for my 26 gallon bowfront. I am trying to decide between a Current Satellite + and the finnex ray 2. I am injecting C02 and dosing ferts, i plan on keeping mostly green plants with a few red ones. I want to grow plants in the med light category. Could i get some feedback and experience with these two lights? What is your opinion in the difference in spectrum and how it effects the plant/algae growth!

Out of those two lights, I like the current satellite LED+ much better. It's full spectrum, has custom color output, dynamic modes, etc. Its downfall is that it's underpowered for taller tanks, so therefore you'll need at least two of them to get moderate lighting. I'm running two right now on a 17g and I tried two on my parent's 26g bow front. Great light, but you'll need a pair.

The Ray 2 is nice in that you get more PAR bang for your buck, but it's very heavy in blue spectrum (red lacking). It grows green plants well, but will make reds look drab. One would get you medium light on a 26g. Aesthetically, IMO, a Ray 2 by itself is bright but sort of mutes colorful fish and plants. You can get around this by pairing a Ray 2 with a Monster Ray RGB LED.

Another option would be to get a pair of the Finnex Fugeray Planted+ that comes out in November next month. It has some red diodes in it and would counteract the "washout" effect the Ray 2 may have.

Last option, which you'd only need one light versus two, would be a BuildMyLED.com fixture. I'd get the Dutch or Iwagumi color temps, personally. The dimmer option is also advisable to get.
Out of those two lights, I like the current satellite LED+ much better. It's full spectrum, has custom color output, dynamic modes, etc. Its downfall is that it's underpowered for taller tanks, so therefore you'll need at least two of them to get moderate lighting. I'm running two right now on a 17g and I tried two on my parent's 26g bow front. Great light, but you'll need a pair.

The Ray 2 is nice in that you get more PAR bang for your buck, but it's very heavy in blue spectrum (red lacking). It grows green plants well, but will make reds look drab. One would get you medium light on a 26g. Aesthetically, IMO, a Ray 2 by itself is bright but sort of mutes colorful fish and plants. You can get around this by pairing a Ray 2 with a Monster Ray RGB LED.

Another option would be to get a pair of the Finnex Fugeray Planted+ that comes out in November next month. It has some red diodes in it and would counteract the "washout" effect the Ray 2 may have.

Last option, which you'd only need one light versus two, would be a BuildMyLED.com fixture. I'd get the Dutch or Iwagumi color temps, personally. The dimmer option is also advisable to get.

Don't forget the beamswork rgb fixture with a ray 2. Puts out equivalent par and color for half the price.
Do you think that an 18 inch fugeray and the Current LED+ would be sufficient on the 26 gallon.

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