Leftover food in the breeder box....

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 13, 2005
Rockville, MD
I am having a REALLY hard time only scooping out enough "First Bites" for ONE fry and I've got quite a pile of food in the bottom of the breeder box. I assume I need to get it out of there or it will rot. How on earth do I go about doing that? I'm scared to try to "vac" it out - I'm likely to vac up my baby!
i just dip my finger into the bag, let some of it stick to my finger, and most of what is stuck on my finger gets rubbed into the box. Watch how much sits at the top when you are doing this, and I stop when they cover at most the first half of the box. I did that when there was only one fry in there. Now that there are 12, i rub the food off until it covers 3/4 of the top, just to make sure everyone is getting enough. The air stone in mine helps pull out uneaten food.

someone else with more experience may come along though that knows better than me. This is my first time with fry :D
I'd say vacuum it up and 'try' not to suck up your fry. I've had it happen lots of times whilst doing water changes that small guppy fry accidently get sucked up. I just scoop them out of my bucket with a net and put them back in the tank. Is probably quite stressfull, but it doesn't exactly kill them.
You could also place a piece of nylon or something else over the intake of your vacuum. That way the food get sucked against it, and you just hold a net under it once your vacuum leaves the water.
Be creative! I'm sure you'll find a way to remove it :)
Also, if it's not too much food, it won't have too much effect, since the breeder box is inside your main tank, right?
OK - I have discovered that a lot of patience and a very steady hand on a turkey baster does the job! Talk about creativity! LOL
I normally put the fry into a cup with tank water, scooping them with a small net and then clean the breeder box.

oooo you are so brave. I am terrified to try to scoop the little guy and move him around. He is so tiny I'm afraid I'll hurt him or lose him.

But that sure would be easier. LOL
just take a lenght of flexible aquarium tubing and submerse it so that no air bubbles exist and the remove one end from water while keeping ur finger on that end and then voila you have ur very own mini syphon (and by the way all my fish that have been accidentaly sucked up survived and then i just scoop then up with a net out of the bucket
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