Lemon Tetras

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 12, 2006
I added a small school of Lemon Tetras to my 29G last week and I assumed that their nipping at each other was a normal thing. However for the past couple of days they are shooting around the tank really going after each other.

Do I need to add a couple more or what to settle things down. I noticed that one had what seems like a missing scale on his flank this morning?

Hard to tell really. Sometimes they will ease up with more, sometimes the wont. It may be worth a try, but perhaps you could make sure you can return them incase they don't get along.
Do they seem to be turning a pretty greyish blue color? Thats how my males act when they are trying to spawn. What is your male/female ratio?
Rondory said:
Do they seem to be turning a pretty greyish blue color? Thats how my males act when they are trying to spawn. What is your male/female ratio?

I think that I may have 4 Males to 2 Females. I suppose that because two of the smaller one's have a less black on their anal fins. I am not sure on the greyish blue as all of them had little yellow color when I bought them but they are starting to sparkle. My PH is at about 7.2, Temp at 82F, and I feed them at least three times a day on flake food with Freeze dried bloodworms, baby shrimp, and tubifex a couple of times a week.

I did find a fry in my tank a few nights ago and thought it was my swordtail but she is still packing. He was eaten before I could get to him though. It would be cool if the Tetras were spawning.

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