lethargic oscar

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 26, 2003
Daytona Beach, Florida
I've had an oscar for about 3 months now, and the last few days, he's started to act really sluggish. Sometimes he'll just lay on his side in the gravel, and I've noticed what looks like a hole in the base of his eye (gross, I know). The only fish disease I know much about is Ich, and I know that's not the problem here. I've had my water tested at a lfs I trust, and they say it's perfect. The temperature is a steady 79-80 degrees (same temp it's always been), and none of the other fish seem to be having any problems. Any ideas? I'd like to get my oscar healthy again, because he was a really cool fish before he got all sluggish!
I can't help you much, but sounds like Hole in the Head disease, which I believe is something oscars are particularily susceptable to. Someone else will probably have more information.
Hole in the Head??

I've done a little bit of research on HITH, and I think it's quite possible that's what my oscar is suffering from. Any tips on how to treat this disease? I've read a lot of different things- change his diet, do a water change every 2 or 3 days, raise the tank temperature, etc... I've been told by a lot of people NOT to do a partial water change more than once a month or so, because it will mess up the bacteria levels in the tank. Is this wrong?
I really have no experience with it, but my minimal knowledge suggests lots of space, good stable water parameters, and a lack of aggressive from other fish, etc, stressing elements, are required for healing..
I'm starting to wonder if my oscar really has HITH or not... I bought some "mela-fix", and the hole by his eye is healing pretty well. Also, when I look at the tank from across the room where he can't see me, he's almost always swimming around the top of the tank like usual, but every time I go sit close to the tank, he'll go sulk and hide somewhere. I've read that oscars can be moody sometimes- is he just mad at me about something?
They do sulk. Meta-fix could possibly aid in healing the hole as well. They could sulk for a variaty of issues, some as simple as making you want to worry about them (And therefore maybe feed them more).

Don't trust the oscar :) Everything they do is motivated by getting more food ;P
Sad news...

I think the end may be near for my Oscar. His scales are falling off around his dorsal fin (is that proper terminology?), and his eye looks like it's pretty much ruined. He can hardly swim to the top of the tank, and even when he does, he won't eat anything. The mela-fix didn't seem to have any effect on him, and I even tried that chemical for HITH that starts with an 'M' (I cant ever remember the name), but it was all in vain. I wish I knew what I did wrong, because none of the other fish are sick at all- they're all healthy as ever.
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