Let's All Play The "PLANT NAMING GAME"!!! (pics)

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 26, 2003
Valencia, CA
Hey Gang,

I first got started with planted tanks with my 10gal and I have NO clue what type of plants are in there.

I got them all from LFS and of course they didn't have them named.
Can you all help me name 1), 2), 3), and 4)?

Want to make sure I shouldn't be moving any of them to the 90 gal that actually has light :) (10gal just has the light that came with it)
#1 looks like water sprite, #2 is an amazon sword, #3 is probably some species of anubias, #4 I haven't seen before. The leaf shape reminds me of my hygrophila difformis when I first got it. I think it was the growth form above the water since the new leaves it put out were more typical. Hygrophila difformis doesn't have the spots on the leaves though.
I'm confused--the plants are coming up in the reverse order for me!

First Picture: #3 is Anubias frazeri or heterophylla or congensis I think (You'll have to look these up and compare closely with your specimen) #4 No idea
Second Picture: #1 is water sprite #2 is a sword, and I'd be ok saying an amazon sword, but I'm almost certainly wrong.
i don't think that's an amazon sword...mainly b/c that 10gal has been set up for a while (i think) #2 could even be anubias lanceolata. it's difficult to tell with that lighting. i'll even go out on a limb and say that #3 is crypt. ciliata. ???

#1 - water sprite. #4 - ???
Well after doing some more research I came up with this so far:

#1 Water Sprite (Mine looks a little darker but that could be because of the light)
#2 Echinodorus bleheri
#3 Anubias gigantea or Anubias afzeli (which one is more common?)

I'll let you know what else I find out.

Please keep the guesses coming.

Ok... I really should do some work today so here are my final guesses:

1) Ceropteris silaquosa for sure
2) either Echinodorus parviflorus or bleheri
3) Anubias species not quire sure which, but I am leaning towards either gigantea or afzeli
4) Unknown looks like a Terrarium plant.

Let me know if you think I'm right or if they can be something else.


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