Swap: Let's trade plants!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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come get me tang police!
Apr 25, 2011
In a swamp near you /Pensacola, FL
Hi guys. I'm looking to trade plants with someone here in the US. I'm primarily looking for less than common plants, not necessarily ultra rare, but not the most typical stuff. The only caveat is I already have a ton of plant species both in my tanks and greenhouse. So if it's relatively common in the trade I probably have it already.
But that's also a good thing, because I have plenty of odds and ends to trade off.

A couple of specific plants (but not limited to) I'm looking for are ludwigia curly tornado, ammania bonsai, ranunculus inundatus, UG, a.reineckii rosanervig, you get the idea.

Hey Jetta,
I going to do a rescape of my 29 within two weeks. I have about 65 stems of Ammania Bonsai from 2" to 9" tall. I will only need about 20 stems for the rescape. Also I have a lot of AR mini And I won't use it all. I promised Scottyhorse about 10 plants but I should have 20-25 plants extra. I'd like to get the AR mini more common so our working class members can afford this great, easy to grow plant. A year ago people were asking $10-20 a stem for it($50 a pot) because it was not available in the US. If you could get a good crop of it going so it would be more affordable, that would be great. Let me know if you are interested. OS.
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