Light Question

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 30, 2011
Waterbury CT
Hi I have a 70g planted community tank and it's time to upgrade my lighting. Right now I just have the lights that came with it. There's a 10k Coralife and an actinic bulbs in there so I know I need some ones that are more appropriate for plants.

I don't know what kind of bulbs they are though. They're bigger, more than an inch around. Is there an easy way to ID them? I've attached a picture. Possibly NO bulbs?

I'd like a low tech tank with liquid CO2 and dry ferts so I can't have something that's too high output. Finally any suggestions on best places online to buy bulbs? Thanks!

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The number is the diameter in 1/8 inch increments. ie. T5=5/8", T8=1", t12=11/2".
These sizes basically can't be interchanged as their ballast power is different.
And the T5no and T5 ho are different ballasts also.
It looks like a T8 fixture to me

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How do I tell NO vs HO? In something like a T5?

Also any suggestions to what I should be getting to replace it? Or even pointing me to a good article?
You can also check the wattage. A 48" T5HO will be 54w. A 48" T5NO will be 28w. 48" will be 32w.Although this can be different in some countries and with some brands, it is a good guideline.
So it's a T12. Would 2 48" T12 6500 NO bulbs huge me enough light to have medium light plants grow in a 70g? I also have a 3' T5 set that could help out of needed. I've heard a lot of things fur and against the WPG rule so I'm unsure of what is appropriate. Again I don't want so much light that I need a CO2 system but I will use liquid.
Ok I got two 48" 40 watt T12 bulbs at 5000k. This is 80 watts over a 70g tank. I assume that counts as low light? Like I said before, I have a 3' T5 that could help out to get to medium light. How much more light could I take without needing CO2?
Well with the depth of the tank it might put you in the very low light category. I am just not sure I haven't seen T12s over anything for years. I would think that as long as you get 6500k color range bulbs they should work for low light plants. You may not even have to add the glut or ferts.
Those bulbs compared to the tape measure looks like T8 bulbs to me. I noticed a label on the bulb indicating Coralife 10,000k which would be suitable for growing plants. I would have just switch the other bulb to a 6500k. I would agree that fish load would be sufficient to supply co2 but the plants could benefit from basic fertilizers.
Well with the depth of the tank it might put you in the very low light category. I am just not sure I haven't seen T12s over anything for years. I would think that as long as you get 6500k color range bulbs they should work for low light plants. You may not even have to add the glut or ferts.

Yeah, I know, they're pretty old school. They came with the tank and I don't really have the money to replace the whole lighting setup right now. I'll get some more suitable bulbs for the smaller T5 I have to help out. Ok, good to know I need to get a bit more light in there, thanks.
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