Lighting A 29 Gallon Planted Aquarium

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 3, 2010
Oakland, CA

I'm setting up a brand new 29 gallon tank. Right now I am focusing on the lighting for the tank. I've read a few articles but still need help with choosing the "right" lighting set-up. I don't mind investing in a good lighting system but my pockets aren't too deep.

How much of a difference between a two T8 light set-up or a two HO T5 light set-up make? For both set-ups I would try to get lights between the 6,000K and 10,000K range that is needed for "good" plant growth.
Go with the T5HO. It's more intense so more light will get to the bottom of the tank. I'd look at getting a fixture that uses 24" bulbs. There are 30" bulb fixtures out there, but they're few and far between and you'll probably have to order bulbs and be limited to only a few manufacturers. If you raise a 24" bulb fixture about the tank a little, it should help reduce dark corners.

~6700K is a good spectrum for plants.
I would get a 36" T5HO fixture if it were me. You'd have plenty of light to grow many species of plants. If you go this route, definitely buy alot of stem plants in the beginning so they can use the nutrients up and hopefully keep the algae down. Don't keep the lights on all day either...or you'll have algae issues (with either fixture)....try to go with around 5-6 hours a day at first and increase over a few weeks to 8-9 hours a day once you get alot of plants. You'll have a bit of overhang from the fixture, but if you get one with legs, it should fit (if they are adjustable). I have high light over my 29g with a 36" fixture and a 30" fixture (24" bulbs)....there are definitely dark corners from the 30" fixture and I didn't have a way to raise the fixture.
Thanks for the info from both.

The only thing I have against a 36" fixture is that my tank being 30in in length so I don't know if the little overhang would be too bothersome. I'm sure the plants would love the extra wattage though.
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Unless you're already really experienced with planted tanks, I'd suggest only using 1 bulb of the t5ho in those 2 bulb fixtures. Should put you somewhere in the medium light level, which is better for plants than low light, but much more forgiving than high light as far as demands go, such as reliably steady co2 and fert schedules.

At least, its what I'm planning to do with my 20 high and my 29g that have t5ho, since I can't afford a good co2 system, and the diy stuff is a bit iffy ime. My best looking tank right now is my 10g and all it has is 2 screw in spiral flourescents.
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