Lighting again?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 27, 2003
Danville, Indiana
Ok i purchased a smartlite form a guy i know for 45 dollars. It is a 36 in light. It is 96 watts and has a 50-50 bulb in it. Will i be able to get any kind of coral with this light. If so let me know what i can get.
How deep is the tank? that will depend and what is all in the tank if you have LR in there you will be able to grow some low light corals. Just putting the corals on top of the LR will benefit the corals greatly.
The tankl is 2 feet deep. I have about thirty pounds of live rock in there right now. So let me know what i can get.
you may be able to get some softies like mushrooms etc..that require little lighting. Look around on websites to find corals that require low lighting or books. HTH
an other relaly good one for begingers is a colt coral .. grows really easy and your can split them too with no trouble of hurting the main stock.. I wouldnt put it near the bottom of the tank.. put it at the top and if it does fine then you can slowly move it down the rock and find out where would the best place to be
I agree with Rye, colt is one of the easiest. I started with one the size of a softball and now it is almost as tall as my tank. They are somewhat agressive though so put them by themselves and allow them room to grow. I think another good choice is a leather. They seem to be very hardy and quite beautiful.

Rye, how do i frag my colt without killing it. I am very new to saltwater myself and have never fragged before. If it is not something I should do then maybe I should think about trading it in 'cause it will soon be to large for the area it is in in my tank.

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