'lighting' for a 10 gal aquarium

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 8, 2006
'lighting' for a 10 gal aquarium ..any ideas??...or what dou think of this one.......
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Hi-Lite Underwater Aquarium Lighting System :''Your options are endless when you accent your aquarium using the Hi-Lite Underwater Aquarium Lighting System. Put the spotlight on a bubble wall or a grouping of ornaments, highlight a group of plants, or just arrange them to shine on and enhance the beautiful natural colors of your fish. Kit includes 2 Hi-Lite Aquarium modules (1 blue, 1 green; additional colors sold separately), 1 power supply, 4 suction cup holders and one adapter box with ports for up to 5 modules. UL approved." infoby petsmart.com
Hi Edgar, are you trying to find lighting the entire tank or just for accent lighting?
Does the tank have live plants or plastic/silk plants?

questions about lighting.......

one of my friends has some sort of plants in his aquarium..but he does have flourescent lighting ....he has incandescent lighting and his tank seems normal he said he's had it it for over 5 months now! can this be possible.....?????!!
I suggest just getting 2 compact fluorescent bulbs, if the hood has screw in bulbs. Change out the incandescent ones for the CF. 2 10w or 5w bulbs will work...I wouldn't go any more than that, since the tank won't be planted (with real plants).

Or if the tank has one long fluorescent bulb, just go with that. In a non-planted tank, all you really want is just some light for the fish. Incandescent bulbs are fine, but can raise the temp a little.

I wouldn't mess with the colored lights...they're kind of silly, IMO.
Incasescent or fluorescent isn't much difference, it depends more on watts/gallon. Some plants require more light than others.
oh really??....i belive he has a 10 gal. tank and about two blue light bulbs that are 25 watts each....so is his tank ok??

Well now young fella, back in my day, a pair of incandescent lights in a full stainless hood was state of the art! Sorry, sorry, I could not resist. Yes, plants can grow fine with incandesants. Flourescents are much cooler for the same wattage, and you have many more options in how you can light a tank. Different wavelengths, etc. But yes, it is entirely possible.
ideas on plants for one of my tanks........

""one of my friends has some sort of plants in his aquarium..but he does have fluorescent lighting ....he has incandescent lighting and his tank seems normal he said he's had it it for over 5 months now!.....i belive he has a 10 gal. tank and about two blue light bulbs that are 25 watts each"".....i already asked and some said it was possible.......im thinking about doing the same..but what are some plants that i can use??and what else should i buy??also what are some risks??..........thanks for any advice!
What plants does your friend keep? There are some that might hold thru with 50watts of sub-par incandescent lighting on a 10gallon tank, namely anubias nana, and java fern.

You and your friend would be better off with 10,000K power compact screw in bulbs, or anything that says "daylight" on it at the hardware store.
Re: lights

JeffreyL said:
Well now young fella, back in my day, a pair of incandescent lights in a full stainless hood was state of the art! Sorry, sorry, I could not resist. Yes, plants can grow fine with incandesants. Flourescents are much cooler for the same wattage, and you have many more options in how you can light a tank. Different wavelengths, etc. But yes, it is entirely possible.

I beg to differ. There is almost no light usable by plants with incandescents. Thats why people dont use them as grow bulbs.
Beware of CP lights that say Daylight on them. Some are 6500K and some aren't. The Philips are 6500K, but some I have looked at are only 4200K, which is not in the correct range.

Exodus, thank you for that gentle reminder. :oops: Heck I knew that even 'way back then'. I haven't thought about incandescent lights in a long time. lol
toddnbecka said:
Incasescent or fluorescent isn't much difference, it depends more on watts/gallon. Some plants require more light than others.

Incandescents are not plant bulbs. They have very little use for plants. If you have a hood that uses incandescents, I would suggest going to Walmart and getting the CF screw-in bulb. Will work wonders on a small tank. :)
Lonewolfblue said:
toddnbecka said:
Incasescent or fluorescent isn't much difference, it depends more on watts/gallon. Some plants require more light than others.

Incandescents are not plant bulbs. They have very little use for plants. If you have a hood that uses incandescents, I would suggest going to Walmart and getting the CF screw-in bulb. Will work wonders on a small tank. :)

Excellent advice :)
""Incandescents are not plant bulbs. They have very little use for plants. If you have a hood that uses incandescents, I would suggest going to Walmart and getting the CF screw-in bulb. Will work wonders on a small tank. "" by 'exodus' .........................................whats their function? how much are they worth?
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