Lighting for Planted Tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 10, 2011
I currently have a 45 gallon tall tank. 48" long, 22" tall. I have a T5 light, over glass, and have finally completed a migration to a planted tank.

All of my plants (5) are low to medium light. Not sure of the names of the plants. (I believe I have an amazon sword)

I just put a second 67k light in fixture, but am fearful that I don't have enough light. Can anybody recommend a better fixture, or do I have enough?

I have a Dojo Loach, so taking the glass off the top is not really a preferable option.

Your 45 G Planted Tank

Good morning Jar...

Low light, low tech (no CO2) planted tanks are really very easy to set up and lighting is fairly simple. You need to mimic natural daylight, 5500 K. The recommended bulb is a 6500 K. A 45 G will generally take a single, 32 watt, T12 bulb. This is less than one watt of light per gallon of tank size, but it will work if you keep only low light plants. 1 to 2 watts of light per gallon of tank size is all that's needed if you don't keep demanding plants.

I have a 45 G tall and have a single bulb in the strip (see pic). I keep taller Amazon swords and float Java fern. Stem plants, like Rotala and Ludwigia will work, but take a long time to get used to the lower light.

The best plants for this size tank are tall Amazon swords, Java fern attached to driftwood, either floated or weighed down with rocks on the bottom, Anubias and most of the Crypt plants.

I've tried other plants in pots with potting soil with mixed results. If you have any questions, please PM me. I'm always ready to talk about low tech planted tanks.

Above all just have fun!

Some plants will do quite well with les than the so called "needed" amount of light. Adding a second fixture should definitely help. I have been growing tons of Vals in a 48" tank with 1 T8 5000K light, and no reflector over the top ( the bare tube is lying on the tank).
Thanks for the replies. It sounds like I am OK with my current fixture.

To be honest, I was hoping I could have an excuse to upgrade. I guess I will have to wait until my. Next tank. :)

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