Lighting Questiion

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 19, 2002
Keystone Hts., Florida
Since I am probably going to have to settle for a FOLR tank due to my use of copper :cry: and want to at least encourage the growth of Coraline on my LR, will I still need to upgrade my lighting? I just don't know if I will ever be able to get copper totally out of tank where I can have any corals. Some sources say yes, some say no. I am still using the Poly Filters. If I'm understanding correctly, even when the water tests neg, the copper will still be in the LR, etc. Will anyhthing live that is on my LR already? Is there any point in adding more LR? :?
If I were you, I would buy my own test kit for copper, so you don't have to rely on the LFS (make sure you get a kit to test for chealated copper). When the kit tests 0 copper, try adding a a small invert without an excoskeleton, then watch it for a few hours, if it never opens or opens then closes shortly there after, get it out of the tank. That is going to be your best indicator of whether the tank is safe. It was only one dose, but it was a chealated form of copper that you used, it will stay in solution for 30 days or more. Mardel says, that because it is bound copper, it will not be taken up by the substrate or rock. I personally would wait a very long time, replacing lots of water (will remove more copper quicker than any form of chemical filtration) and replacing my chemical filtration every few days and give it a try in6 months or so.
Thanks, Kevin. Sounds like a good plan to me. My Leather Coral which is still doing good in my quarintine tank will be my tester. :) Meanwhile, I will get the copper test kit and do regular water changes.
Of course you could always use this as an excuse to get a new tank...


Then you can join the multi tank club.

Good luck in your removal efforts and keep us up to date. I hope your situation can be a positive one.
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