Lighting Requirements -

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 27, 2005
Albany, NY
Im just researching corals on liveaquaria, and was wondering how many watts per gallon you need for low, medium, and High. For example, does low mean at least 2 watts per gallon? I have 3 watts per gallon for now and have to stick to lower light corals. Any ideas of what else i can get? right now i got yellow polyps, star polyps, and zoos. I was thinking some shrooms.


- Jeff
when you say low light, i have 2.6 watts per gallon, is this sufficient for the above mentioned corals? Right now i have my zoos, yellow polyps and star polyps on the top of my rockwork which is around 7 inches from water line, and 11 inches from lights.
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