Lighting schedule

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Everett Adams

Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 1, 2011
I have a pretty new 120 gallon with two clown fish and two coral plugs that I picked up yesterday

I'm confused on how I should run my lighting. I have 3 led panels that have both blue and white leds

How long should I run my blue? How long my white? and should I run them both on together for a period of time?

Any tips or advice would be appreciated:)
You want to try to mimic the natural day out at the reefs where we collect these corals. If you want a morning/evening transition, I would start running the blue in the morning for about an hour, then run both, say for another 8 hours, then the whites go back off, and the blues stay on for the last hour, for a total of 10.
Thank you so much Mr_x Sounds like a plan thank your for your input :)
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