Lighting suggestions

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 25, 2007
How many watts of fluorescent light in addition to some indirect sunlight would I need for some low light hardy plants. Can I have plants during the cycle?
Florescent Lighting

How many watts of fluorescent light in addition to some indirect sunlight would I need for some low light hardy plants. Can I have plants during the cycle?

Hello Fred...

Indirect sunlight has little impact on the growth of aquarium plants. It's not strong enough. Low light plants will do very well with a couple of 32 watt T8 or 40 watt T12 bulbs, or whatever length bulb fits your tank. You can get these at any hardware store for a few dollars per. GE has a good bulb. Add a little liquid fertilizer like Seachem's Comprehensive dosed every week or two when you change the tank water and the plants will be fine.

Floating plants are especially helpful during the cycling process, since they take in nutrients directly from their leaves. Drop some stems of Hornwort and Anacharis in tank. They help keep the water chemistry stable.


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