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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 28, 2003
Kennesaw GA
Which is the better of the compact lights out there?
Aqualight, Powercompact(with moonlight) or the new Powercompact " SmartLight ".
I have a 75GL tank, so it will be a 48" fixture.
I have fish and once i figure out the better light to go with, i will be adding coral and so. I have found all three of these lights around $224-$260 online. Just wanted peoples ideas on which would be a good light, one good enough for coral, and a good buy for long term use.

Oh and on a different subject, what is a good and quiet ( tank is in my room for now ) Protein Skimmer for under $100 online.
Protein Skimmer for under $100 online.

Probably nothing thats going to be good for a 75 gal tank.

My understanding is that the smart light is simply a 50/50 bulb. (not so smart to me) The PC with moonlight is just a power compact setup with some high output blue LED's in it. And I dont know what the aqualight is off the top of my head.

I think a better thing to be looking at would be how many bulbs and of what wattage are these fixtures.
I have two of the PC Moon-lite fixture on my 105G and they do a really nice job. The fan is a little loud, but aside from that I love the lights. If you get your corals in there and they are not doing well consider ditching one of the 03's and adding another 10K bulb in its place. The smartlite is only 2X65W 50/50's. I would avoid this light and go with the other if they are the two you have narrowed it down to. 2X65's especially 50/50's would be more ideal for a FOWLR than anything with corals IMO.
It really depends on what kind of corals you want to keep. One mistake I see a lot is folks thinking all they'll ever want to keep is soft corals that have low light requirements. Then, later, they want to try some SPS or maybe an anemone and have to buy a whole new lighting setup because the first one isn't intense enough. This is, in effect, spending money twice for lights. For not a lot more than you quoted, you could light this tank with MH and electronic ballasts. Then you would be in a position to keep whatever you wanted in the future. I'm not telling you that's what you have to have, but only that you need to really think about what kind of tank you want to have in the end. I wouldn't use the Smartlites either...I have a couple of them and I'm not too impressed with them. I would go with no less than a 4x65w and 6x65 would be better. You can DIY this setup if you have a canopy for less money.
As far as a skimmer for under $100, there isn't one. The smallest HOB skimmer I would suggest for this size tank is the Aqua C Remora Pro with a Mag 3 pump. This will cost you about $225. Or, you could probably go with a Berlin Classic HOB for close to the same price. The Berlin will require more room behind the tank though. You'll probably run across the Prizm and the Seaclone for less than $100. Don't waste your'll end up having to upgrade later and you'll be stuck with a inferior skimmer that you can't use. The Prizm Pro would be an option, but IMO, the Aqua C is a much better skimmer.
What about the PRO 75 wet/dry sump with skimmer? would that be a good choice to go with asfar as filter/skimmer, right now i only have a vulval 404 filter in the tank. thanks
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