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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 10, 2003
I would generally post this in the planted tanks section but id figure id get more ppl to look at it if it were in general forum Sorry everyone

My question is about the lighting over my planted 55. The problem is that I dont feel im getting the right kind of light to properly grow plants. I have a shop light that has 2 48" long with lights made by philips and the stock hood that has 2 24" lights that has bulbs I had from my cichlid days before I converted to planted.

I think its time for a change to proper lighting for a planted tank since I got a big gift certificate to my LFS :D :D The big tubes are T8 and im not sure on the little ones im gunna say theyre T8's as well.

What are the best lights I can get for a planted tank.
BTW I dont have CO2, too exspensive right now
It depends a lot on what kind of plants you want. Once you get above 3 watts per gal you need co2. There are lots of plants that do well in the 2 1/2 to 3 watt range. Check out e bay or aqua bid for a 2x65 compact fl. fixture or if you plan on adding co2 later, go for 4x65 or 2x95 compact. I am upgrading my 50 gal to planted and have 2x65 plus a 40 watt fl. I do have co2. You could try 2 diy co2 though it is marginal on a 55. Hope this helps.
I think you will get a better response in the Planted forum, since your question is handled frequently there.

I'd say definitely avoid the 4x65 for now - that is what I have and it is a tank that needs lots of attention due to the high lighting. No going without CO2 in that tank.

You may want to check what K-rating your bulbs are, and it may be as simple as replacing the bulbs you have with 6500K bulbs. It will also be helpful to know what symptoms or problems you are having that prompt you to consider your lighting as a problem.
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