Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregrate EXPERIMENT

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Dec 22, 2011
WA state
LECA for short, i have a 30g tank set up around bottom feeders and my husband said i should share my idea on my forum, i have a well planted tank that has a unique sub strait, LECA, pool sand and a pinch of gavel

in the past i have kept dojo loaches and had a terrible time keeping my plants rooted, and when i did i had issues with them not being able to breath and cycle water around the roots, after reading a TON on sub strait options i tried something new.

i have been growing orchids semi-hydroponically for a couple of years using LECA because of the capillary effect that it has and the fact that plants LOVE the pours clay balls.

My fish tank has been up for 5-6 months and my plants are doing AMAZING and i have found that it allows for lots of water movement and prevents fish from ripping up roots

anyone else use LECA before ?????
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