Lionfish has ich...???

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 21, 2012
I am very new to the website in fact this is my first post... I have a 55 gallon with 2 clown 1black and white the other is a orange and white, 2 decorator crabs, pom pom crab, few damsels, orange spotted goby and 2 condy anemomes. I added a small red volitan lion. The lion has seemed to catch ich which I had a problem with this when I added a emperor so I know my tank has ich. I need to know what to do? I was setting up a 45 cube that was just going to be for the lionfish and I am wondering If i set up a QT for the lion what the best way to treat in QT? Also I want to get rid of the ich in the main tank and I know this can take 6-8 weeks with no fish.. but if I move the other non affected fish to the 45 will that put ich in the 45? the other fish have been there for months and never a sign it only seems to be the new fish I add....please help
To others, this may seem crazy but with experience, just leave him there and get him to eat. Depending on the severity of the ich he may get over it himself. Do you have a picture perhaps?
I can get pic tomorrow...he shows no interest in food anymore :( At this point I just want to do whatever I need to just not to sure what to do
Yes moving the fish will move the ich, but ya can do a hypo salinity treatment and rid the tank of it in the 45, just don't move any inverts over. and you'll need to QT EVERYTHING for 6 weeks before adding to the tank, inverts, algae etc.

BUT here's what ya need to do more. Research your fish! do you mean emperor angel? That requires a HUGE tank, and a 45g is not nearly enough for a volitan lion IMO, they get over a foot long! IMO a tank this size is just gonna keep the fish stressed and have ICH issues till it dies!
did my reserach and yes i know the tank i need and this is just a steping stone to getting there I will not need a bigger tnk for at lest a year at the size the lion is at now .. in the process already to getting a bigger tank setup to start cyclying and getting it where it needs to be gonna tank my ime with this one,,,:)
In all honesty, if ya did your research you wouldn't ne adding that fish to a 45g! Its never a good idea to add a fish to a tank with hopes of moving it to greener pastures!

Life happens, the reailty of the cost of owning a reef happens, NEVER buy a fish for a future hopeful tank. only buy fish for the proper tank!
well i did and there is nothing wrong with it and what do you think you do when you move it from the store to a QT if you do that then to a tank either way what I am doing there is nothing wrong with it fact is I asked for advice not to call me out like i did something wrong or am doing something wrong. people upgrade tanks all the time all that matters is I do this the correct way
you're 100% right! as am I! Why not just buy the right sized tank for the fish ya want!? Seems easier to me! tearing down rock work to catch fish is a PITA!
theres a right and wrong way to do things, just because a LFS or similar does it doesn't make it right!
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