Liquid Reactor-Any suggestions

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Nov 3, 2003
Coral Springs FL
Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday.

Quick question:

I've been using Kalk for about month and yesterday one of the guys at my lfs suggested I give Liquid Reactor a shot. Any thought, opinions, etc????
your avatars are crackin me up scuba steve, i get the greatest american hero song in my head whenever i read your posts. Damn you :) sorry for jackin the thread :\
hehehe right long story about why i found them but amazing what ya find on the internet heheheh and mabe it shows my age but have to laugh at one of the worlds worst shows that as a kid i loved hehehe got to love the 80's

and its funny your the first to make a comment on it here is another bad show laverne& sherley that i have fun with and more now days with the girls clothing line now days with the laverne !!
hehehe right i bet you find 100 pluss pages heheheh
found that most people forgot about the greatest amrican hero heheh and i laugh cause if ya remember right it took a whole season to learn to fly remember lmao
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