Little Bubbles on water surface

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 9, 2004
I just bought a 36 gallon tank 3 weeks ago. We are new to this. I have been reading all info on tank care that I possibly can. So far so good. I just added 4 neon tetras last night. Tonight I see that there are bubbles on the surface of the water that I didn't notice before, they are just sitting there and not popping. Is this a sign of something that I haven't read about? Or is this normal? It may sound like a stupid question to some, but as I said, I am totally new to this. I never thought I would enjoy this as much as I am!
Little Bubbles gone

I woke up this morning, and those bubbles are all gone. I didn't mean to over react, but it seems that if one little thing goes wrong, I could lose my fish.
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