little white bugs jumping on the top of my tank water

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 9, 2009
Ok I was doing a water change this morning and I noticed little flea looking white bugs on my glass and they are jumping around on top of the water. Never noticed them before but what the heck are they? I will try to get a picture. They are so small it might be hard.

I have a 65gal planted tank.
ok there is no way I can get a picture they are way to small. I can see two little antena on their head. My bumble bee gobies are going after them and eating them I hope they can't harm anything.
I have the same thing in my one of my tanks and have no idea what they are. My fish aren't eating them.
I've seen them before and have no idea what they are, but they did go away. I did a couple big water changes just because having bugs in my bedroom freaked me out a little.
All the water changes did was make my cories spawn:lol:
Thank you so much that is exactly what they are.. But how did they get in there? My gobies and discus sure do like em.
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