For Sale: Live Food Cultures

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


come get me tang police!
Apr 25, 2011
In a swamp near you /Pensacola, FL
Since I've been getting several PM's asking, I put together a comprehensive list of the cultures that I maintain daily.

I have a small amount of brine shrimp eggs and also decaps that I can throw in to an order free of charge if someone is interested in trying them out without having to commit to a large purchase of them online. Just let me know.

If you have any questions, first read the primer on live foods in the article section here FreshwaterAquarium Advice

I'm glad to answer any additional questions though, just let me know.

First class shipping is $3, will combine for cheapest shipping rates
Here is the list:

Microworm culture. This is an active culture, not just
a starter. It comes in a 6"x6"-ish container already going, all you have to do is reculture it every few weeks for more worm production. $5

Vinegar eel starter- This is for 6oz of vinegar eels in a starter culture. *This is only a starter culture, no container provided* You'll need to provide a jar and more apple cider vinegar to culture them in. $5

Grindal worms- Active culture in potting soil, comes in a 6x6ish container, all you need to do is continue to feed it periodically to maintain the colony. $12

Daphnia Moina- Approx 500 count starter. You will receive a healthy culture of daphnia, keep them happy and they'll be producing nonstop food for your fry and nano fish in a week or two. This is only a starter, you will need a tank, jar, or tub to keep them in. ~500 count $12 , ~1000 count $18

Green water- Yeah, most people are trying to get rid of this stuff, but I keep a steady supply for my fry and daphnia. If you need it to feed your daphnia or fry right away, or to jump start your own greenwater culture, here it is. $2, amount will vary depending on how much weight I have to work with in the package, but I'll throw as much in as I can.

I am working with a few others and will list them if/when I begin to have a surplus. Thanks!
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