Live Sand

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 29, 2005
I'm about 2 months from setting up my first SW tank and have been picking up things for it here and there. I've already got the tank an 80 gallon, filter, skimmer...that's about it. I'm building my own stand and haven't done it yet. Question is, there's someone near me parting out their tank and has about 100# of live sand for sale. I can get it really cheap! What will happen to the sand? I'm sure it will "die". For the price I can get this sand I can't even purchase just regular sand. Even if nothing lives it would be something I think I should buy but wanted to get your opinions.

Keeping it submersed with a ph for aeration, may keep it live for a while. To keep the bacteria alive, you'll need to drop a few flakes in maybe once a week. I've kept live rock this way for several months in a bucket. It's worth a shot.
even if all the benificial bacteria dies off you will still have a great sand for a tank.
Make sure they don't give you any crap from the bottom layer where it might be nasty.
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