long tentacle anenome won't grab hold of food

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fish geek

Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 17, 2004
anchorage alaska
i recently bought a lta 3 days ago i've tried giving him some dried krill but it doesn't grab the shrimp. my lta still hasn't attached to anything or even moved from the hole i dug it if thats got to do with it not eating.
am i being over paranoid.

thx nick
May I stand on stage with you... I am wondering the same thing about a yellow sebae I got a couple months back.. I never see it eat, it totally ignores food, and it appears that it is sort of... shrinking a little. At least it's not growing. Maybe it's just my imagination. It does "poop" once in a while though.

All of my other anemones eat purt-near anything that touches their tentacles including large blobs of gunk scraped from the outflow exits.
I just purchased 2 LTAs about a week and a half ago. They "ran" around my 125 gal tank for a week. When they finally "started" to settle down they were attaching to the bottom of a flat rock that I have. They would be upside down. So I would flip the rock over and then feed them. This went on for 3 days before they got the idea. Now they have been staying put for the last 3 days.

I have been feeding them uncooked shrinp from the deli at the store. I shell it and then soak it in the saltwater from the tank ina cup for about an hour, then freeze it. When it is feeding day I just pull it out of the freezer and cut off what I want and then put it back.

I thaw out the shrimp right in the tank before I feed them. Unfortunately I am not having a problem feeding them, they eat pretty good about every 2-3 days.
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