Looking for a good place to get plants

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Dec 4, 2007
I have officially been bitten by the planted tank bug. I spent some time going back and forth with the people here to figure out what I needed and I've collected most of the supplies. You can check out the thread labeled "Want to convert non-planted to planted" for that discussion if you're curious. I've taken care of my lighting, substrate, CO2 and ferts, now all I need is plants. Does anyone know of a good place to get some? I live in St. Paul, MN and I don't know if shipping things from websites is a good idea considering that it's really cold up here now. Is there anyone out there that is willing to part with some of their clippings in the St. Paul area? I would be willing to give you a few bucks (and plenty of pics of both the process and end result) for your trouble. I've come up with a list and I'd like to stick close to it but am relatively flexible.

Bolbitus heudelotii (African Water Fern)
Echinodorus bleheri 'compacta' (Compact Amazon Sword)
Echinodorus tenellus (Chain sword)
Vallisneria americana (corkscrew val)
Ludwigia repens
Anubias nana
Cryptocoryne wendtii 'red'

Thanks in advance for your help.
I agree, I have a had great luck buying plants from other hobbyists through forums. The plants are usually of excellent quality and you can often find plants that are unavailable from retailers.

www.aquabid.com is another great place to buy plants. It's sort of like an aquarist's Ebay. You can find a great variety of plants there, as well as some great prices.
I ended up getting plants from aquariumplants.com, but thanks for all the suggestions.

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