Looking for quick tips

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 27, 2009
Daytona Beach FL
Trying to get a good collection together of very useful tips about reef keeping. Basic stuff such as checking parameters daily, or advanced stuff like dripping supplements into the tank or whatnot. Tips that are short, sweet, and to the point. Figured this would help me and other newbie reef keepers develop good reef keeping habbits.
Research EVERYTHING first. Use RODI. Never dose anything that you do not test for. Buy quality first instead of upgrading later. Fishless cycle.
Research EVERYTHING first

Also, nothing good happens fast in saltwater. Learn to take your time. Very difficult to be patient but it is always worth it.

Never dose anything that you do not test for

Make sure you spend the money on liquid test kits and not the strips. They are good for quick and dirty while you are cycling but that is about it.

Also invest in a refractometer. Never trust a hydrometer.
Trying to get a good collection together of very useful tips about reef keeping. Basic stuff such as checking parameters daily, or advanced stuff like dripping supplements into the tank or whatnot. Tips that are short, sweet, and to the point. Figured this would help me and other newbie reef keepers develop good reef keeping habbits.

Nothing really quick about a reef tank....even tips require time...tip go slow....slower than you think. I had sand LR and water in my tank for 2 months before it saw anything...I haven't lost a fish or coral yet.

Except for the zoa's my reef safe flame angel ate after 6 months of nothing....should have listened to you melousa.
Research everything you buy ahead of time.
Research everything you buy ahead of time.
Take your time, amazing tanks are grown not bought.
Always ask questions, preferably before you do something.
Be willing to take advice, even if it is not what you want to hear.
Buy aquacultured everything when available.
Set a schedule for daily, weekly and monthly maintenance.
Keep a QT tank always at the ready.
Keep a supply of common medicines.
Write things down in a reef notebook, or bookmark folder.
Never leave your RO/DI storage empty in case of emergencies.
Frag often, your corals, the natural reefs, and fellow hobbyists will thank you.
No problem appears overnight, it's not going to go away overnight.
Never dose without testing the individual level first.
Water changes are the first step to regular maintenance, and solving any problem.
Put your lights on a timer, preferably with a gradual or stepping up of light intensity.
Over support your system ex. 1.5+lbs LR/g, large macro supply.
Buy quality equipment once, keep it through several tanks.
There is no "cheap" SW system. Be prepared to drop the minimum to keep these animals safe.
Do whats best for the animals, not for your wallet. You made the commitment to them.
Wash/Rinse your hands before putting them in the tank.
Always QT a fish/coral/invert.
Always acclimate slowly.
Be prepared to lose things, no one gets it perfect the first time around.
Never let someone push you into a uneducated purchase.(shifty LFS owners especially)
Keep up to date on the latest information.
You have never ever, ever, learned everything there is to know.
Support the good LFSs, clubs, and fellow hobbyists.
Promote conservation and sustainability.

Just some personal notes and opinions;
Make your tank a challenge to yourself, not only to maintain it, but to make it thrive. Never be satisfied with what you are doing, if you have the know how and capability, push yourself deeper into the hobby to better it. There are always fish breeding challenges, start a frag farm, do something to advance the hobby and make it sustainable for generations to come.

Got a little far on some of these, hope its all still helpful to someone out there.
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