Looking for suggestions and opinions

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 20, 2006
I have two tanks in the house, my wife’s and my tank. My wife has been in the hobby for years, and I am a recent convert. Previously I was only responsible for the small patio pond out back.

In my wife’s tall 45gallon tank we have the following:

45 Gallon Tank
1 Golden Gourami
2 Blue Gourami
1 Clown Loach
3 Lemon Tetra
1 Black Skirt Tetra
3 Zebra Dannio
3 Neon Tetras
1 Bleeding Heart Tetra
3 Black Neon Tetra
2 Clown Plecostomus (may be female bristle noses)
1 Dojo Loach

And in mine:

20 Gallon tank
1 Golden Severum
1 Angel Fish
1 White Skirt Tetra
1 Rainbow Shark
1 Clown Plecostomus

My wife’s tank has been up and running for several years successfully, mine has been up for several months. I am thinking of moving the Dannios from her tank to mine for some top swimmers and add some Pandy Corys. That would leave room for some more Tetra’s in her tank, probably the Lemon Tetras because they are larger and colored nicely.

Just looking for some suggestions before I head down the LFS
Looking at the long term success of your tank, you will need to find a new home for the severum and shark, as they will out grow that tank over time. These fish are probably not mature and you may see a power struggle between the angel and severum when sexual maturity hits. If you move the tetra from your tank to her tank and the danios from her tank to your tank, you should be okay. Keep in mind that it is very easy to overstock a 20 gal tank especially when the fish are small.
I agree. My severum was shy when he was smaller but even at a medium size I don't think he would tolerate an angel. Plus, I once saw a severum in person that was about 10 inches, not including tail, and it made me question whether I should even keep mine in a 55 gallon. I'm not sure about keeping the angel in a 20 gallon either. You may be ok if it is a 20 tall but a 20 long may be too short for an angel at an adult size. Also, keep in mind that clown loaches are schooling fish, and although they grow slowly in most cases, they will eventually outgrow a 45 gallon tank.
You'll LOVE the panda cories - they're really characters. Make sure you get at least 3 since they like to be in groups. My panda cories are my favorite fish - I know I'm going to get at least 3 more. These little guys are all over the tank, spend hours playing in the bubble wall, and do an excellent job of finding food that's fallen to the bottom. And since they stay under 2 inches you could have a bunch of them :)
Thank you for the suggestions. And for giving me reasons to look at having even larger tanks.
The Angel is a rescue that my wife brought home, it was on someone she work's with desk... in a tank for a Betta. I am not sure if it could turn around; I wonder if that could have stunted his growth.
The White Skirt Tetra got moved to my tank because he was a fin nipper in hers. The tank at that time was only a 10, and then we rescued the Angel. The white skirt mended his ways quickly.
Since then I have upgraded this tank to the largest I can put in the kitchen. I will have to look at other places to have fish tanks. Maybe I will have to build her that "laundry" room that she has been asking for.
OMG you just gave me a GREAT idea ! I never even looked at the kitchen for space for a tank !!! I'm going to go measure one particular spot RIGHT NOW ! Thanks !!
I have my 10 gallon tank in my kitchen by my sink so i can watch the fish when i am working in the kitchen. Makes doing dishes a lot nicer.

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