looking for Sunset Hygro

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 17, 2005
Elk Grove, CA
I have a new low-mid light tank that is 30" tall. I am looking for fast growing background plants that will reach the top of the tank, but I can't find Sunset Hygro anywhere.

I will pay a reasonable price for the plants and shipping.

Thanks for looking!

lol, i am trying to fig out how to do some trimming, i am not sure how much i will get from the trimming though, but if i have enough maybe i can send u a bit. i really dont think it will be that m,cuh though, but maybe some to get u started?
THanks everyone! Hara PM'd me, and I paid the shipping for some trimmings to be trimmed this weekend. WooHoo!

Now I just need to get some fish!

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