Looking for the perfect lighting!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 21, 2009
I'm trying to start a planted tank and have eco complete for the substrate and am now looking for the best lighting. The tank top is 36in by 12 1/2 in and 17 in depth. Where can I buy a whole cover with lights with correct watts for plants. Thanks for your help!
welcome to AA :) Its hard to recommend a light without first knowing what plants you plan to keep. Let us know what you plan to do with the tank, then it will be easier to recommend the right light to suit your needs
there is no correct wattage. what kind of plants do you want to keep? there are low light plants medium light plants and high light plants. depending on what you want will dictate what you want to get.
I am probably going to go with medium light plants..can you give me your favorite place to purchase along with some suggestions on what plants are not too tricky to keep and look good? Thanks for your help!
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