Looking for tips on water flow?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 16, 2005
I recently added an XP3 to my tank (48G bowfront) and it really threw up quite a current. Rather than use the valve to reduce the flow, I have directed the jets toward the back of the tank thinking that I didn't want to blow any plants over/away. However, after a week and a half of this - I noticed what used to be a minor BGA (green slime) presence spreading towards a more serious issue in the near future.

It seems the primary cause for this one is low nitrates (I have 15ppm) and static water. My water seems in good shape and am dosing with seachem's ferts per labels. I would like to address this, ideally, without meds but am afraid of directing too much current around the tank. How do other people have their filter intakes & spraybars arranged?

The back of the tank is lined up like this where R=reactor for pressurized co2, I=filter intake, O=filter output, and T=thermometer.
|RI J T|

Your nitrates are alright. I think you are right in suspecting static water as the cause of BGA. I think only the tiger lotus and vals will be affected by strong current. How about pointing the jets in the normal manner, but away from those plants, and turning down the filter?
Assuming your nitrate kit is accurate, I too agree it could be a dead spot in the current.
I'd put the flow valve on, or switch to the spray bar, possibly even drilling additional holes in the spray bar to further diffuse the current force.

An XP3 on a 48bow front is an oversized filter IMO. It should work fine though, once you get it throttled down a bit.
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