Losing motivation =/

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 5, 2013
I've had my tank for about 2 weeks now and things keep getting worse and worse =/

First lost a Betta to what I believe was swim bladder, I then learned to not overfeed my fish.

Afterwards both of my ghost shrimp have died =/

Then I mysteriously lost a cory cat and from reasoning I feel as if he died in my tank while I slept over at a friends house and another fish ate his dead body before I even came back

And NOW, i have a Dalmatian molly that I believe has the whirlling disease =/

Why do I all my fish keep dying :(

The betta, ghost shrimp, and molly are from PetSmart while the Cory Cat was from a LFS.

Any ideas on what I can do to help my molly from dying?
I just added half a tsp of kosher salt and raised the temp a little bit. I heard that could possibly help =/
I lost my betta and shrimp as well. I'm no expert. What has worked for me is get a bigger filter of what I need and lots of plants!
Are you testing your water parameters? How often have you been changing water during the fish in cycle? What sized tank?
Your tank cant of cycled in 2weeks it takes longer without being seeded. How much water are you changing out? Do you have a way of testing your water parameters?

To have fish aswell as shrimp die leads me to believe it's ammonia and or nitrite causing the problems which would definitely fit. Most if not all fish illnesses or diseases wont have any effect on shrimp and aslong as the heater is running the only thing i can think of that could kill both is ammonia and or nitrite poisoning.
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Your tank cant of cycled in 2weeks it takes longer without being seeded. How much water are you changing out? Do you have a way of testing your water parameters?

To have fish aswell as shrimp die leads me to believe it's ammonia and or nitrite causing the problems which would definitely fit. Most if not all fish illnesses or diseases wont have any effect on shrimp and aslong as the heater is running the only thing i can think of that could kill both is ammonia and or nitrite poisoning.

Well I mean it has been a lot of time, my ammonia has been at 0 at my nitrite is about 1, I'm about to do a pwc in about an hour.

The betta fish could have died because of Ammonia posioning, as well as the shrimp. I"m not exactly sure why the Cory Cat died and let's hope that my Molly gets better after the water change =/
Well I mean it has been a lot of time, my ammonia has been at 0 at my nitrite is about 1, I'm about to do a pwc in about an hour.

The betta fish could have died because of Ammonia posioning, as well as the shrimp. I"m not exactly sure why the Cory Cat died and let's hope that my Molly gets better after the water change =/

Well you just answered your own question. 1ppm of nitrite is life threatening. Do 50% now and another 50% before bed if you can. If not before christmas dinner. Nitrite will cause stress on any level but anything above .25 can be deadly, different forms of aquatic life have different tolerances to nitrite to an extent.

Good luck gameman, before turning on your xboxone think, 'i should do a water change' lol. Its just another example of a fishless cycle saving lives and should be pushed more in my opinion.
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Well you just answered your own question. 1ppm of nitrite is life threatening. Do 50% now and another 50% before bed if you can. If not before christmas dinner. Nitrite will cause stress on any level but anything above .25 can be deadly, different forms of aquatic life have different tolerances to nitrite to an extent.

OH! I knew it was deadly but I assumed that it was actually an instant death. OH WOW. About to do a 55% now and a 50% in around 3.5 hours!
OH! I knew it was deadly but I assumed that it was actually an instant death. OH WOW. About to do a 55% now and a 50% in around 3.5 hours!

Just in case, try to temperature match the water change if you can. This could just be my tank, I find the mollies and platies don't seem to like water changes in winter if the tap water is too cool where as the rosy barbs love it any time of year.
Just in case, try to temperature match the water change if you can. This could just be my tank, I find the mollies and platies don't seem to like water changes in winter if the tap water is too cool where as the rosy barbs love it any time of year.

Yes sir!

Anything else you would suggest?
Just in case, try to temperature match the water change if you can. This could just be my tank, I find the mollies and platies don't seem to like water changes in winter if the tap water is too cool where as the rosy barbs love it any time of year.

Yep, its the same for any fish and can cause shock if the difference is vast. Within afew degrees is ok, if it feels the same to the touch youre golden. Hold your finger in the tank and then put it in the water youre about to change. With some fish changing in slightly cooler water can actually cause them to spawn.
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Yep, its the same for any fish and can cause shock if the difference is vast. Within afew degrees is ok, if it feels the same to the touch youre golden. Hold your finger in the tank and then put it in the water youre about to change. With some fish changing in slightly cooler water can actually cause them to spawn.

Okay, I just did a huge water change and my values are somewhere between 0 and .5 although im leaning towards the 0. probably something like .15 =/

Is there any chance of my Dalmatian Molly getting better? :(
Don't give up we all had these beginners problems, I would get all your money back and forget petsmart and buy/order at like That Fish Place or Live Fish Direct. Also set up a quarantine if you haven't yet and treat the new fish in there till about 3 weeks. Lastly make sure your tank is fully cycle.

I lost a lot more than that when I first started. Don't let it stress you out. A fish dies, oh we'll, sometimes nothing can be done. Small fish like endless or wild guppies can be fun to watch, and are hardy. Any non-fancy fish like a common goldfish is more hardy than a fancy bred one. My fish room has had no problems in ages, except for my black moor who's tail was shredded one day from a fight with a common or a koi (or the filter). He's in a tub now by himself with methylene blue and feeding him Terramycin food. Think he's gonna make it.. Once you figure out fish diseases and the RIght medicine for it (namely the two I said plus fresh water and salt if they can take it) you can start to enjoy the hobby and it something does happen, it's not the end of the world.
Keep testing your water.
Keep up on water changes as needed to keep levels right.
Consider adding some cheap and easy plants.

Do not add any new fish until tank is completely cycled.

Don't add salt unless there is a reason.
I use Prime as my main water conditioner.

How big is your tank ?
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