Lost a fish last night :(

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 21, 2005
Knoxville TN
Had to move my 25 gallon out of the way for a soon to be setup 75 gallon and in the process my neon blue gourami apparantly got to stressed and was found dead this morning :( Not really sure what else I could have done for him when moving him I put him in his own bucket with water from the tank(tank read 0,0, 10) and he was only netted maybe 2 secconds. Everyone else made it through the move just fine but the poor gourami.
sorry to hear that, but dont look at it as a lose, look at it as a chance to buy a new fish or maybe 2 more (smaller fish) to replace the one that died.
Sorry to hear about your LOSS!

@xIHaKIx : It's not a chance to look foreward to buy new fish! Like yeah, I'll let my fish die, give a d#%@$% but I can go shopping for other ones again - Yipee!?
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