Low Light Plants? Suggestions

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 14, 2005
My tank is 26 gallons bow front and has a planted background. My swords, corkscrew looking things, and Anacharis seem to die (turn yellow and fall apart) at the bottom. I have a nice light the LFS sold me I think 55 watt? Rotala Magenta does really well back there but I already have a lot of that. I use flourish tabs but that is it. Any suggestions for good background plants that are low light? Or how I can better keep these alive? Thanks.

(I posted this in the general forum and then realized there was a plant forum - sorry).
My Phosphates are low .25 but I had an ammonia problem about three weeks ago it spiked to 2.0 and then to 4.0. I added 8 fish, that is the only thing I can think that caused it. I did a huge water change and added biospira but then my ammonia went to .25 and now my nitrates are 40ppm. I have been doing water changes (about 10%) every other day but the nitrates aren't coming down. BUT I have always had issues keeping these plants, they just turn yellow at the bottom and die. Some things grow well, like the Rotella and my dwarf lillies, etc.
Interesting that the low-light plants aren't doing well. I saw your original thread and I'm thinking it's the light spectrum. Can you look at the tube and see what is written on it?
Phosphates should be kept somewhere between 20:1 and 10:1 ratio between Nitrates:phosphates. With only .25 PO4 your plants aren't able to use most of the Nitrates. Since your Nitrates are a bit high right now, I would probably try dosing PO4 to say 1 or 2 ppm.

Sounds more like they are rotting off at the bottom with your additional description. This makes me suspect that there may be a substrate problem. Do you have gravel, sand, or something else for your substrate?
Jchillin said:
Interesting that the low-light plants aren't doing well. I saw your original thread and I'm thinking it's the light

It doesn't say anything, the box says 55 watt compact. Here are some photos: (I removed the dead plants they are usually on each side in the back filling that area):


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