Machotaco's Aquarium Updates

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 10, 2014
Hey everyone! Thought I would just put together a thread for everyone to see what goes on in my several aquariums all in one place. Feel free to ask questions and ask for pictures of anything I talk about.

At the current moment I have 6 aquariums up and running.

3 20 longs (A. Agassizii pair, 2 male A. Cacatuoides, and 3 pristella tetras)
A standard 20 (fry grow out tank)
A 15 tall (A lone tiger barb)
And a 45 gallon (mixed rainbow fish)

I'll be posting some picture up tomorrow.
First update of many. Today I'll be posting up pics throughout the day but I'll be starting off with the 2 male A. Caca's. Full tank shot will be coming up later as well.


I have not gotten good pics of the other male yet so those will be going up later also.

Stay tuned!
Few more pics, full tank shot and the Nannostomus Eques that hangs out with the two males.

That N. eques is pretty cool.

Thanks! He's the last one left of the group I had purchased 6 ish months ago, and I'm looking to add some more to the school when the LFS gets them in. Speaking of pencils I'm considering getting 8 or so (N. Mortenthaleri I think?) for my Agi tank.

Anyone have experience with them as dithers??
I kept beckfordi briefly with my hongslio.
They looked and acted like little sharks...
I evicted them and the breeding went off the charts!
I kept beckfordi briefly with my hongslio.
They looked and acted like little sharks...
I evicted them and the breeding went off the charts!

Considering the tank is already well established and the fish are not shy at all, I'll most likely leave it as is.

Time to share some pics of these agi's I was talking about earlier though.

Something interesting with the female. These two pictures were taken about 5 seconds apart but notice her colour pattern change. (The male was approaching)

Just a shot of my low tech planted 45 gallon with some rainbow fish. Not much happens with this tank anymore, it's fully stocked and I don't have any projects planned for it in the foreseeable future.

Here's the DIY hood I made for it
Here's a few more pics of the rainbows.


Hopefully the apistos start getting frisky so I can start raising some fry and sharing pictures of that.

Hope everyone's been enjoying their holidays so far!
Wow has it really been a year since my last post?! To all who are still following my thread, I have some juicy updates that I will be sharing tomorrow! Still working on some old projects as well as starting up a new one for this Christmas break, so hopefully will get lots of posts up over the next few weeks
Okay, so here goes!

Finally got a 20 gallon set up to raise my favourite pair of apisto's fry (my agassizii), currently have only 5 medium size fry in there, but I'm sure the parents are going to be making about 50 or so more in the next couple of weeks. The pair is still housed in the bottom 20 long on the rack while the fry tank is just on the floor.

In the 20 long above them I recently got 11 pseudomugil gertrudae who I'm working on spawning. Had 16 fry a week ago but lost them all, having real trouble finding small enough foods for them. Kinda kicking myself for not having any infusoria ready to go. Looking into getting my hands on some 5-50 micron golden pearls as well as some decapped BBS and I'll try again. On another note I think there may be some parasite in them as several aren't putting on any weight, so they are getting garlic extract soaked food in the pm and Epsom salt soaked food in the am to see if that makes a difference.

The top tank, unfortunately lost the two caca's that lived there, so now the only fry I kept from my first agassizii spawn lives there. Shares it with a trio of bekfordi pencifish and a single eques pencil fish. Not sure what to do with that tank, torn really between more pseudomugil or another species of dwarf cichlid....?

If you got through all of that thank you! I'll try to get some pics up soon
I had the psuedomugil gertrudae and they are cool fish !
On their line but different I enjoyed spawning long finned white clouds.
Another great little fish...
Kens has 50micron GP .Only buy smallest amount as fry eat very little and the stuff that size last forever.Kens has GP 50-800 micron. I use all in my breeding efforts.In general golden pearls are the most buoyant prepared food there is.Staying in the water column makes more available to most fish ,especially fry.
Have you tried rotifers? They are great.

I have not, correct me if I'm wrong but don't they need to be cultured in salt water? That might be a bit outside my ability.

I had the psuedomugil gertrudae and they are cool fish !
On their line but different I enjoyed spawning long finned white clouds.
Another great little fish...
Kens has 50micron GP .Only buy smallest amount as fry eat very little and the stuff that size last forever.Kens has GP 50-800 micron. I use all in my breeding efforts.In general golden pearls are the most buoyant prepared food there is.Staying in the water column makes more available to most fish ,especially fry.

I've put the golden pearls on my fishmas list, so I'm hoping to get some soon! Want to get this breeding project going.

Pics coming soon!

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