Daphnia are People Too.
I got 3 rummy nose tetras about a month or so ago. That was all the store had. 2 got along, but didn't like to hang out with the third all the time. Then my lfs got more in so I added 3 more a week or so later. 6 made a perfect school. They schooled tightly and verybody got along. A couple days ago, one died mysteriously (my params are fine, so I am guessing I bought him unhealthy or something). Now, they shunned one of the group again. I am getting another asap. But, from this experience I learned the value of schools of 6. Before, I sort of figured 5 was just as good as 6, but I have changed my mind now! Just sharing what I learned. I know many of you already knew this and I have heard it many times, but this was the first time I saw in practice that having proper schools really can affect behavior!