Making a blenny and firefish goby, safe lid

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 13, 2011
My soon to be reef 28 gallon tank! My parameters are all in check, salinity, i have learned to keep stable. I have 13lbs of live rock so far. My lighting is an odyssea t5 quad 96 watt with 2 10000k and 2 actinics. So now.... The temperature in sc is devastatingly hot! It was 84_86 degrees in my tank a couple days ago. (my fans are on all night and day). So i took the glass lid off and the temp dropped down to 78_81 degrees! I bought a fan tday too from walmart. So i need some type of lid now so the blenny im getting tomorrow wont be able to escape the tank. I was thinking egg crate from home depot? Should i raise my ballast up above the water too cool it down even more? Its only like 3 inches from the water!(more like 2. I can make my own ballast hooks for the sides. Will this decrease the lighting to the point w-ere the lps im thinking of getting will not survive?(i would put the lps towards t-e top either way.). So any ideas on a good lid where there would be great circulation and entilation in the tank?

I have 1 Ocellairis clown, 1 peppermint shrimp(to kill the frikin aiptsia!:banghead: , 2 snails, and 4hermit crabs..

What are some good tankmates??

Ow about some good beginner coral? My powerhead is a koralia 425
I would just do without the lid and hope for the best. I have 2 firefish one red and one purple, and neither have jumped, but I had a diamond goby that did jump, so I think it depends on the species and the individual fish.
I have been cursed with a lot of jumping fish over the last year or two. :-( It can be any fish too, there arent really alot that are known jumpers other than wrasses. I have a firefish in my 60g rimless tank with no lid and there has been no jumping yet from him. The firefish do get spooked easily though and could jump out if they are really startled. Mine usually just darts into a hole in the rock when I'm in the tank messing around but when he was in my biocube he actually has jumped and hit the top of the lid!

It all depends on the fish and the tankmates I think. If there isn't anything to chase him out you should be fine wihtout a lid. especially if it keeps your temperature stable.

Good luck!
I wouldn't go without a lid with those fish. I'd use the egg crate and maybe silicone a piece of nylon screen on it because its still possible for them to sneak through plus it will still allow the gases to escape and still keep the tank cooler in the summer.

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