Making a change

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 25, 2009
Farmington, MI

Here are some pictures of my tank that I recently added two pieces of drift wood too. I was unsure if I wanted to put the drift wood in because I didn't know if I'd like the tea color that the tannis would bring upon the water. So the drift wood had been sitting in my garden for the past few months until on impulse I grabbed them and started to boil them while cleaning out the tank yesterday. I think they look great and I now have changed my whole attitude on how I want my tank to look.

I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on what species of fish do best with drift wood. I know that i've herd somewhere that driftwood does bring down the PH a bit in a tank. The fist are still in there from when I started the tank back in May and I still plan on getting rid of them all very soon. I was even thinking about keeping the tank fish free for a while and attempting to cultivate natural plants and algea, at least try. Is there any suggestions for that? Like what kind of bulb do I need for that? Is there any special ways I can keep plants alive, grow them faster or plant seeds and watch them grow. I've already bought a like 4 plants any they all died. I'm guessing the reason for that is because of the bulb I have isn't the right kind. AND if I get a good amount of plants in my tank and comes time to clean it, what special proceedure should I fallow? Should I uproot the plants and clean the gravel, or just try my best to work around them and not do that?

Sorry for all the questions! I havn't given much attention to my fish tank in a while and just decided yesterday that I wanted to start making a change to it.
Here are some more pics!

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