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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 25, 2004
Folkestone, UK
I've decided on a web name ( and I have the piccy for it (at bottom) but I was wondering... what would it be about? It would be the same model as these forums and site (phpNuke type thing) but should I do something like plecos, or what? when it's running, I invite you to give me a hand. I'm learning so much here. I'll learn enough to get a proper advice website too with your help!
Go with what you know the most about. That is always the best way to start. Then you can grow and expand from there. :D
why would a pleco message board be called, "Chaos Pit" you need to consider the name, content, audience, colors, etc all at the same time when doing something like that.... Also I would change the picture you have there because the name in the image is very hard to see clearly. Good luck.
This site doesn't use phpnuke, and I'd highly suggest you avoid it. Its got a lot of bugs and security issues.

AA uses a combination of PHPBB and EzPortal, plus a load of other modifications. You should check out for the forum package, then head over to for stuff like Ezportal, Quick Reply, photo galleries, etc.
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