Malawi Tank Ich

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 24, 2012
Manchester, England
Have a 50gallon Malawi Tank, with silver dollars as effective dithers, and a green phantom Pleco....
Water parameters are perfect, ph 8.2, 0 amm, 0 nitrite, 40 nitrate.. Good gh and kh..

Anyway, almost out of nowhere I noticed the typical white spots on my silver dollars, probably about 8 of them on each..
I immediately began raising the temperature, to what is now 86F, and added what little was left of my Interpet White Spot Treatment.

None of The malawis are affected thus far, and I remember a highly regarded member "mumma of two" telling m a while back, that heat is all that needed...

My question is, will the malawis be able to cope with this temperature increase?
I have raised the outflow from both filters above the water, to provide more agitation...

Any input?x
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