male female betta

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 4, 2005
umm 2 question s what is is the differece rather how do u tell teh difference between m/f betta and are the femailes less aggressive will i be able to keep more then 1 together in a 15 gal densly played with out em kilin each other? thanx alot
Male bettas are aggressive to each other, as you know, and can't be kept together. Males have longer fins than females. Once in a while, you'll find a short-finned male, but usually, you'll be able to tell a male and female apart by the length of the males' fins.

Females can be aggressive too, but you'll be able to keep more than one in a 15 gallon tank. Do you mean in a heavily planted tank? They will like that. They will establish a "pecking order" among themselves, and they will be fine together. As with any new tank of fish, just watch them closely at first to make sure everyone is getting along!
I'm gonna say that you won't know what you are getting with female bettas until you put them together. I have three wonderful gals who I housed together until once decided she didn't like the big 55 gallon tank (just always seemed stressed for some reason, but immediatly changed when I put her back in the 5 gallon...). They've all been together before in the 5, 10, and 55. Never had a problem. Now, there is someone here who can't keep two females in their big tank without them fighting. Soooo... it just depends.

Males are pretty, but females are my favorite (just as pretty and twice as much personality IMO)
I'm gonna say that you won't know what you are getting with female bettas until you put them together.
I have to agree. I had two females in a 50 gal and they tore each other up!
Now, there is someone here who can't keep two females in their big tank without them fighting.
That would be me! Sometimes, you can't even keep a female in a community tank without her picking all sorts of fights. I lost one of my females that way and the other is content in a 25 gal with Badis. You just never know!
IF you want to do females you MUST have more than 3! This way the alpha's agression is spread out rather than concentrated on one betta. I have a 10 gallon with 4 females and they get along just great. At first there was a bit of nipping but after a few weeks the order was established and you cant keep the girls apart; they even rub against eachother with so much as a nip. I think in a 15 gallon maybe get 5 females and a few corries. I believe amberD had 6 in her 10 gallon and they were fine for awhile but then all hell broke loose. Id say rather than cramming as many in as possible get 5 and a few bottom feeders. Oh and have a back up plan too. Try to buy them all the same size and get ones that are kept in communal tanks instead of in cups, preferably housed with their spawn sisters. I hear that sisters get along much better than non related ones.

Oh and most importantly......remember to post pis! :)
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