male sword and female platy?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 24, 2006
My male sword is definitely attempting to mate with my female platy. Can they inter-breed or are his attempts in vain?
Toirtis said:
They can, although such hybridisations are not commonly successful.

As in the offspring themselves are not robust? Or the mating is not usually successful in the first place?

It would be very interesting.... this sword is one that I have not ever seen before, nor have I been able to find his variety online. I found him in a random tank lablelled 'misc livebearers'. He was the only sword. He has a blue iridescent streak down his middle.
Actually, I have to disagree with Toirtis, as to whther they will be sucessful. Those two will breed easily and sucessfully. The various colour morphs are attributed to the interbreeding of the two. I do know from personal experience, that a green sword (female) and sunset variatus (male) cross will yield some totally orange (brick red) fish. several generations later, there will still be a variatus with green sword colouration.
I agree with BillD. Platies and Swords are both Xiphohorus. All Xipophorus types will mate with each other. The only exception is that some lyretail and sailfin may be picked on by regular finned fish, but even they could still mate.

Its actually been tossed around that Swordtails are Platies (no different than Guppies and Endlers) and that their seperate nomenclature is an inaccuracy. After all, some fish considered to be Platies have sword extensions.
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