Manny the Sickly Fish

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 18, 2011
Hello all, Its been a while!!
I have a 30 gallon cycled tank. Its been set up for about a year.
PH: 7.8
Amm. : 0
Trite: 0
Trate: 5-10
I have 4 nerite snails and a Blackmoor Goldfish.

As for plants I have Amazon Swords, Wysteria, Water Onion, and some sort of fern. I also have some drift wood.

I treat with flourish 1 cap full twice a week.

DIY LED Light system runs for 10 hrs. a day. I just switched to 6 hrs, that will start tomorrow.

Manny, the Blackmoor Goldfish, has been unhealthy since the first day I got him. If you read back through my past postings you will see he has been through a lot. He started off life in a tiny fish bowl, moved to a 1.5 gallon tank, then to a 10gal tank and now to his spacious 30gal tank.

Here's the problem, he does not swim. He just sits on the bottom of the tank. Every now and then, maybe once or twice a day, he will swim a bit but he always returns to his favorite spot laying on the bottom.

He had been pooing really long clear poos so I treated him with a parasite medication, we are on the last day of that. (Tetra Parasite Guard)

Still no change... although I haven't seen the long clear poos.

He (I should mention I don't actually know that he is a boy) also has some white cloud issues on his back and ends of fins. I tried peroxiding them, but it didn't change anything.

He has been in his current state for months and I am trying to figure out if he is treatable, or if it just is what it is. I am truly frustrated by the situation. I have spent a lot of money and people always ask if I actually have fish, and I have to point to him on the bottom of the tank. It's also frustrating because he can't be happy either.

Any help or advice you can give would be hugely helpful!
I have noticed that no one as responded to my post so I am going to more succinctly list my fishes symptoms:
-Lays on bottom
-White cloudyness on back and tips of fins
Other than that he eats just fine. When he does swim, it seems to be normally.
I have noticed that no one as responded to my post so I am going to more succinctly list my fishes symptoms:
-Lays on bottom
-White cloudyness on back and tips of fins
Other than that he eats just fine. When he does swim, it seems to be normally.

Is his body pine coning? Have you done a recent water change when you noticed him acting off? Do you use a water conditioned? Does it look like a fungus?
Is his body pine coning? Have you done a recent water change when you noticed him acting off? Do you use a water conditioned? Does it look like a fungus?

No pine coning. I will post some pictures. If I can figure it out.

He has been having this issue off and on for months, I do regular water changes, usually about 50% a week.

I use prime water conditioner.

I don't know what fungus would look like
No pine coning. I will post some pictures. If I can figure it out.

He has been having this issue off and on for months, I do regular water changes, usually about 50% a week.

I use prime water conditioner.

I don't know what fungus would look like

Is it a fuzzy like white thing on the fish?
Here are some pics:


  • Manny Back.jpg
    Manny Back.jpg
    162.3 KB · Views: 65
  • Manny Tail.jpg
    Manny Tail.jpg
    148.9 KB · Views: 80
And one more!


  • Manny Left side of tank.jpg
    Manny Left side of tank.jpg
    200.2 KB · Views: 69
It doesn't feel fuzzy. It doesn't really feel different than the rest of him.
If he is pine coning, than perhaps I thought that meant something else. I thought thats when the little scales stuck out, which he has had in the past, but they look pretty smooth to me now. I guess I am not sure though!

Here is a side shot:


  • Manny side shot.jpg
    Manny side shot.jpg
    149.6 KB · Views: 77
He doesn't look pine coned, and I am trying to figure out the whitish stuff it honestly just looks like his coloring to me.
If he is pine coning, than perhaps I thought that meant something else. I thought thats when the little scales stuck out, which he has had in the past, but they look pretty smooth to me now. I guess I am not sure though!

Here is a side shot:

I don't see pine coning either. Black moors tend to change colors but I don't know about white.
Hi Lainey! I am sorry to hear Manny is not doing very well. What is he eating these days (specifically)? Your numbers look fine and I am sure you are staying on top of your water changes, so this isn't a concern either. He is not pine coned from the pics you posted so no worries! A dropsied fish has distinct raised scales (like a pine cone). The slight discolorations/white areas on his tail are common in a goldie that's a bottom sitter from lack of circulation. They are not of a major concern unless you notice distinct fuzziness or infection. A methylene blue bath or dip once a week or so can help a bit as well.

Ok, what you should check is his tummy. Lengthy periods of bottom sitting will lead to sores and infection. This is the primary concern with negative buoyancy issues. You can try some dietary changes and see if this makes any difference. If it doesn't, unfortunately, your options are pretty limited. You can consider making him a harness to get him off the ground and more mobile. Harness aside, just consider him a special fish that has been entrusted into your care. Unfortunately, fancies are horribly prone to buoyancy issues due to their physical conformation and their is no 'cure' for this. I wish I could offer a simple solution!
Hi Lainey! I am sorry to hear Manny is not doing very well. What is he eating these days (specifically)? Your numbers look fine and I am sure you are staying on top of your water changes, so this isn't a concern either. He is not pine coned from the pics you posted so no worries! A dropsied fish has distinct raised scales (like a pine cone). The slight discolorations/white areas on his tail are common in a goldie that's a bottom sitter from lack of circulation. They are not of a major concern unless you notice distinct fuzziness or infection. A methylene blue bath or dip once a week or so can help a bit as well.

Ok, what you should check is his tummy. Lengthy periods of bottom sitting will lead to sores and infection. This is the primary concern with negative buoyancy issues. You can try some dietary changes and see if this makes any difference. If it doesn't, unfortunately, your options are pretty limited. You can consider making him a harness to get him off the ground and more mobile. Harness aside, just consider him a special fish that has been entrusted into your care. Unfortunately, fancies are horribly prone to buoyancy issues due to their physical conformation and their is no 'cure' for this. I wish I could offer a simple solution!

Thanks JLK!

Manny is eating TetraFin Sinking Mini Sticks for Exotic Goldfish.

Manny also has peas every now and then.

I do my best to check his tummy as often as possible and I havent seen any wounds or scrapes so far.

I am open to dietary changes.

What would be involved in a fishy harness?

Also, if he is "healthy" would it be possible to put some other fish in the tank? You know, so it looks like a fish tank and not a plant tank. LOL
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Yes, let's try some changes in his diet first before accepting this as his permanent position. I'm on my cell so I don't have my links but lets try some homemade gel food or a commercial one such as Repashy or Mazuri along with increasing his daily veggies. I'll post these for you tomorrow.

What do you have in mind for a tank mate? Having a buddy may give him some incentive to move a bit more so this may help as well.

No need to discuss a harness yet- lets see how diet & buddy do before venturing down this route. :)
Honestly I don't know exactly what I would want for a fish. Something that would be interesting but not cause Manny any harm or distress. I love to watch the little "school fish at the pet store, but my understanding is those would pick on Manny. I haven't purchased him any friends because I have wanted to make sure he was healthy enough.

I look forward to the recipes!
Ok, heres some links! Making your gelfood is actually ALOT easier than it sounds! All it basically is made of is a box (or 2) of plain gelatin and a mix of protein & veggies. I use canned whole salmon (in water) & canned tuna (in water) mixed with frozen veggies (peas, carrots, peppers, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, etc). I add some extras such as garlic & crushed human multivitamins/acidopholus (probiotics) & throw some fruit in, too. Or use fish vitamins plus probiotic. Kind whatever is in my cabinet/fridge/freezer- other proteins would be human grade fish/shrimp. A friend of mine actually uses chicken breast but I havent tried this one yet! Mix til warm & add gelatin. Throw in blender to puree to milkshake consistency & put in trays to set in fridge overnight. I use empty (clean) chinese food containers. After its set, cut into cubes & freeze in small batches for future use. It takes maybe 15mins to make this. Heres some other gelfood recipe ideas: The Goldfish and Aquarium Board

Your other option would be commercial gelfoods. Repashy and Mazuri are the only two companies that I am aware of that make these. Both are VERY popular in the goldfish community but I have never personally tried them because its cheaper to make my own & I know exactly what they are made of. Heres their links:

Repashy Superfoods :: RETAIL :: By Product Type :: Fish Gel Food Premixes - Repashy Ventures - Distributor Center

Aquarium Fish

Manny sounds healthy otherwise and I would not be worried about adding a tankmate as long as you qt the new tankmate first for a few weeks. Otherwise, you risk introducing a disease to Manny (who doesnt need anymore issues). I would look for another fancy with similar handicaps such as another moor or a telescope. A pearlscale or a lionhead could be considered, too, but I would probably skip a ryukin or an oranda or a regular fantail because they 'may' pose a risk of bullying Manny. An older oranda/ranchu/wen type fancy may be ok.

Also, increase his daily veggies no what diet you try. Not just peas either. Peas really should not be fed more than 1-2x a week because they are high in sugars. Try broccoli florets (flowers), cauliflower, spinach, carrots, peppers, asapargus, anything dark green & leafy, etc. Cook until soft enough to tear or smoosh in a garlic press (such as carrots, peppers). Broccoli florets would be the 1st one I would try- my guys attack them like wild animals! Try some fruits too just dont feed daily (1-2x wk)- soft apple, pear, banana, orange, tangerine, strawberry, grapes,melon, etcetc. You may see some improvement by just increasing his daily veggies & adding some fruits. Dont hesitate to ask questions and please keep us posted!! :)
Oh, I thought I would mention one other thing (not to be alarmed at either!!!). Manny is starting the color change process. Expect to see some noticeable differences in his color over the upcoming year or so. Completely normal! :)
Thank you! I am going to try to make him some food! Do you feed the food frozen?
Keep a little out for feeding for @5 days & freeze the rest in small batches. Then, just take out enough for a few days the day before & let it defrost overnight in the fridge. Use a little bit more gelatin than suggested in recipes & little less water (if it says add some) so you wind up with a firm gel. It may take a bit of experimentation to figure out what works! :)
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