Mantis Shrimp in action.

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 9, 2003
Yesterday found my skunk shrimp dead, thought it was molting at first.
Before this i found something looking like two antenna(should be eye looking ard) inside a hole in the LR. So when my skunk shrimp found dead, i used it as a bait to lure the creature in a distance away.
To my horror, wow i found something(should be a mantis shrimp) long in body about 5cm, body still inside the hole(might be even longer) and back into the hole with the dead shrimp !!
Still cannot believe my eyes !! My skunk shrimp has been inside the tank for a month before this happened.What should i do to catch the mantis shrimp out from the tank ? Cos mine is only a 2gallon tank, should i take out my whole LR put inside a plastic container & lure the mantis shrimp out ? The mantis shrimp is really creepy!!!!!
Set a bucket of RO water out to get it to room temperature, then just dunk the rock in the bucket. he should come shooting out within a few seconds, when you can remove the rock, and scoop him out. You should have a container ready for him. Maybe you can find someone who wants him, instead of just killing him.; )
fun fun fun, I did what mark suggested and worked fine. also take heed to vega's warning. make sure he is in the rock then don't wast time, just reach in grab the rock and dunk it swiftly.
Finally kill the creepy guy !! dunk it to freshwater with calcium & come shooting out within a few seconds. Guess my LR is free from mantis shrimp, right ? Maybe this is the disadvantge of buying a cured LR ! Should i throw away the LR, scared it might lay eggs inside LR ?
Does cycling the LR in a pail of water before introduces to the tank helps to get rid of these mantis shrimp ? Will they lay eggs inside LR and hence give birth after i cycled the LR ?
Does cycling the LR in a pail of water before introduces to the tank helps to get rid of these mantis shrimp ?


Will they lay eggs inside LR and hence give birth after i cycled the LR ?

Possibly, but the fish and critters in the tank would eat the larvae before they could grow into shrimp.
What about dipping the LR in freshwater for few mintues then cycled the LR ? For cycling a LR, should freshwater or SW be using ?
Would have been neat to see a picture of him before you got rid of him.

I've always liked mantis shrimp 8O

Of course, one would probably have to keep them in a stainless steel box to prevent them from breaking anything :D
Of course, one would probably have to keep them in a stainless steel box to prevent them from breaking anything

I'm not sure which is truth and which is rumore. I'm told by the crew at wet web media that it is more likly that a mantis will destabilize the LR and have the rock go thru the glass, opposed to the mantis striking and breaking it.
a mantis shrimps strike hits with the force of, I think, a .22 calibre bullet.

So I'm sure they can break the glass themselves, as well as making rock fall. :)
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